You need to be physical healthy, fresh, and fit to be able to always play without a hitch. Fresh physical shape can avoid you from the risk of heart disease, bone and muscle problems, and spared from being overweight. Physical strength, especially when your mental health will also be the same awake his senses.
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7 healthy ways to gain and maintain the Physical Fitness |
That can be done to achieve physical fitness
Physical fitness can be achieved with diligent exercise at least 30 minutes per day or 5 days per week, and also maintain a healthy balanced diet.
But before starting to exercise or dieting, you should also consider your current health condition, daily nutritional needs, and your body's tolerance. Important for consulting a doctor before starting exercise or do any diet.
1. Aerobic exercise
Sports aerobics or cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling can help strengthen Your heart health. This exercise can make the heart pumps blood with higher speed in a long period of time.
Aerobic exercise is also beneficial to help maintain stamina, normal blood pressure, and cholesterol remain normal. In addition, cardiovascular exercise is beneficial for strengthening the spine and prevent excess body weight, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
2. Anaerobic exercise
In addition to aerobic exercise, there are also anaerobic. If aerobic exercise performed with low intensity for a long time, anaerobic exercise is done in quick time to help improve muscle strength. An example is the Sprint (sprint) or lifting weights.
The combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise is needed for the development of physical fitness, according to research from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
3. muscle strength training
Muscular strength exercises can be one way to get physical fitness. muscle strength exercise helps the body's metabolism works faster to burn calories more efficiently.
In addition to making physically fit and healthy, muscular strength exercises are also beneficial to build stamina and help build and maintain muscle mass.
Examples of exercises that you can do is push ups, pull ups, and sport lifting weights. Exercises that work the major muscle groups should be done two or three times per week for best results
4. Stretching exercises
Stretching is one of the important exercises in the physical fitness program. Stretch your body two or three times a week can make the body more relaxed muscles. Stretching can also be done after any sport.
Stretching after exercise muscles allow the body to recover after hard work. Stretching also helps improve the circulation of the blood circulation and flexibility of joints, as well as improve posture.
Yoga, pilates, stretching and dynamic are some examples of activity that can stretch your body effectively.
Important note!
Keep in mind, not all exercise is suitable for Your purpose. Then choose the type of sport that you like. If you prefer to have activity busy-busy, try to invite friends or family to join the zumba class or pilates. If you prefer to be alone, maybe can try to swim. You can also try a variety of new sports, should not be glued with a sports-that's it.
Then, what other tips maintain physical fitness?
5. Healthy Diet
Achieve physical fitness not only can by doing regular exercise course. You should also menyeimbanginya to start healthy eating habits. If you can't get sufficient intake of nutrients, the body's durability will be declining so that you can be more vulnerable to fatigue and fell ill.
A healthy and balanced diet, in fact is still insufficient all important nutrients from healthy food variations. These are fresh fruit, vegetable and meat without fat, fish-ikanan and sea products, beans and grains, and starches. In the meantime, avoid foods high in sugar and salt, foods high in trans fats and saturated fats, and processed foods with a lot of oil.
6. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetable
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, high-fiber diet of fresh fruits and vegetables help stabilize blood sugar levels so that the body's stamina is not easy down.
To get your body fit and healthy, you should eat at least 4 cups of fruits and vegetables per day. You can eat vegetables such as spinach, carrots and mustard greens as a side dish of food each day.
As for the fruit, choose your favorite fruit such as apples, oranges, melons, or bananas.
Mutually kept the menu each day to get maximum nutrition.
6. sleep enough
In addition to regular exercise and dieting, you should not forget the importance of rest and sleep enough. sleep well and enough during 7-8 hours every night helps keep the body stay fresh when waking up in the morning.
On the contrary, lack of sleep, staying up, or sleep habits don't sleep thus will increase the levels of the stress hormone cortisol which can lower your health in the long term.
Try praktikkan the principle of sleep hygiene to help you enough bedtime 7-8 hours every night.
7. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is a bad habit that threatens the health of your body in the future. Smoking and alcohol have long been associated with the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and fertility problems.
First, even if you are diligent exercise and a healthy diet, the risk of diseases caused by smoking and alcoholic beverages may still be haunting. Then, immediately stop the two habits before so addicted to maintain Your physical fitness.
There are many ways to help you stop the bad customs. You could start by trying to chew gum or snacking on carrot acid mouth to disappear when not smoking. As for the start to avoid alcoholic beverages, you can often drink infused water-often in order to distract the alcohol cravings.
Thankyou for visiting this site and reading 7 healthy ways to gain and maintain the Physical Fitness