You're probably already used to doing sports weights, push ups, and pull ups to strengthen the muscles of the arm and back. However, what about the muscles of the lower body? Often missed, you also need to form a muscular lower body posture so that the more ideal. Thus, any movement that could build muscle thighs, calves, and buttocks? Yuk, read on reviews here.

Why the muscles of the lower body needs to be formed?
If observed, most people whose hobby, fitness spending a longer time to train the muscles of the upper part of the body. Starting from the chest, shoulders, and back. Only a handful of those that focus forms the lower body muscles.
Yes, in addition to the muscles of the upper body, it's also important for you to shape the muscles of the lower body. Starting from the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and gluteal muscles that are located in the buttocks. Of course it would look strange if you already have a field of chest and shoulders are wide, but the size of the calves and her thighs are too small or large.
It's not just important for appearance, have a lower body muscles strong also can support your daily activities. Good for running, jumping, climbing stairs, cycling, and other daily activities.
The movement to form the muscles of the lower body
Muscles of the lower body, especially in the thighs, have more muscle mass than other body parts. For that reason, Michael j. Joyner, MD, an expert in Physiology from Mayo Clinic, revealed that required endurance exercise to burn more calories in the body, particularly in the legs.
The more muscle mass that burned, then the calories burned will more and more. Relax, you don't have to bother doing heavy exercise, really!
1. Jogging
Not just simply so part of warming, jogging can also form the muscles of the lower body, lho! Because, this movement involves the muscles along the walk, starting from the quadriceps, hamstrings, groin, up to the calves.
It should be noted also that the legs and buttocks are the two parts of the body that has the largest muscle groups. Because of that, you certainly need more energy so fast not tired after exercise. The trick is to eat the right food and drinks before exercise.
A sports nutritionist, Penny Hunking, advise you to drink the juice before starting to exercise. So that healthier, make your own by mixing fruit juice Apple juice, skim milk, fat-free yogurt, and berries. This drink is guaranteed so You can make more spirited and energetic before sports.
2. Side lunge
One movement is effective for training the strength of muscles of the leg, from thigh to calf. Before you begin, please prepare your first 2 dumbbell to keep balance while simultaneously tightening the muscles of the hand.
Here's how:
The widening of both feet to level with the shoulders. Then, each hand hold a dumbbell.
Step your right foot forward, then bend your knees form a 90 degree angle. Hold for 2 seconds. Feel the muscles in the abdomen until all parts of the walk are tightened.
Retreat back and return to the starting position.
Do the same thing on the left leg. Repeat as many times as 8-12 times for each leg.
3. The Squat
Offered from WebMD, the squat is the most common exercise to build muscle toning thighs and buttocks. However, the movement must be done carefully to avoid injury to the knee.
Here's how to safely perform squats to shape the muscles of the lower body:
Stand with feet shoulder-width. The position of the hands can be straight forward or in front of the chest and is lumped.
Squat until your knees form a 90 degree angle. Hold it for 4 seconds, then return to the standing position.
Do a total of 10 times and feel the diference on the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
4. The Squat jump
Squat jump is one of physical exercise that consists of two movements, namely squats and jumps. This movement actually is one squat variation. The difference is, you have to jump to tighten the muscles of the calves, thighs, and buttocks.
Here's how:
Stand with feet shoulder-width. The position of the hands can be straight forward or in front of the chest.
Squat until your knees form a 90 degree angle, then jump as high as possible. Swing both arms down to push Your leap higher. Make sure the position of the head and the back remains straight.
When it landed, bend your knees to form an angle of 45 degrees.
Do this movement as much as you can afford. Remember, your body's ability to understand and immediately stopped if the leg pain.
5. Single-Leg Deadlift
To shape the muscles of the lower body, particularly in the hamstrings, quadriceps, and shoulders, you can do single-leg deadlift movement. Before doing so, prepare 2 dumbbell or stick to keep his balance.
Here's how:
Stand with feet shoulder-width. Then, each hand hold a dumbbell.
Lift the right foot towards the back, as shown in the illustration. Make sure the view remain focused ahead, while bowed straight down slowly.
Be sure to position the back is already aligned straight with the floor. Keep the balance of your body.
Next, raise your body back to its original position. Feel the muscles of hamstrings, buttocks and stomach are tightened.
Replace position using the other foot. Do as much as 10 times on each leg.